check ur general knowledge and ur IQ level

if u wanna check ur general knowledge and ur IQ level then give the answers of some simple questions. if u like these questions then write y...
if u wanna check ur general knowledge and ur IQ level then give the answers of some simple questions. if u like these questions then write y...
Designation : Job Applications are Inviting for the Post of Specialist Officers/Probationary Officer (best Career opportunities) Job De...
NOKIA Walkin Freshers Job Description : Hands on experience on Symbian C++ coding. Experience in working with real-time embedded syste...
Shri Ganeshaya Namah 1. Akhurath: One who has mouse as his charioteer 2. Alampata : Ever eternal lord 3. Amit : Incomparable lord 4. Anantac...
Conversation between 2 software engg. Friends: Sw1---hello . SW2---hi . Sw1---hey h r u??? . SW2---m fine!!! Wht abt u??? . SW1---m fine too...
When a GUY is quiet and is alone, He's is thinking how good you're, Miss you!!! When a GUY is lying on his bed, He is thinking deepl...
Operator : "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut . May I have your..." Customer: "Heloo, can I order.." Operator : "Can ...
01. When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang Up...but you miss them already when it was just two minutesago1 02. Y...
Instructions : What you do is find out what each letter of your name means. Then connect all the meanings and it describes YOU. ( Its TRUE) ...
" Osama Open University " recieved a biodata of Munna Bhai for the post of Lecturer which is like this Name: Muannabhai Supariwa...